#Doctors always recommend to 2 - 3 minutes of teeth brushing daily as it will reduce the chances of cavities and gum diseases and don’t forget to wash your mouth after eating every time.
If they have the above mentioned symptoms, I request not to ignore them. Consult your #Dentist", says #DrGauravWalia, Senior Consultant ,Dentistry at Metro Hospitals & Heart Institute ,Noida Sector-11, UP .

#Doctors always recommend to 2 - 3 minutes of teeth brushing daily as it will reduce the chances of cavities and gum diseases and don’t forget to wash your mouth after eating every time.
If they have the above mentioned symptoms, I request not to ignore them. Consult your #Dentist", says #DrGauravWalia, Senior Consultant ,Dentistry at Metro Hospitals & Heart Institute ,Noida Sector-11, UP .

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