£3.83 Larry Austin ran a successful travel business for sixty years, and travel of any kind tends to go hand in hand with adventure. In his true to life memoir, Austin relives some of the more colorful events of his career. Lucky for him, he had his wife, Eileen, at his side, to keep him just this side of sanity. There was the time a truck driver, on his way to deliver luggage to important clients, ended up getting drunk at lunch and arrested in Arizona. Or the time Larry watched a man get beat up at the Breakers Golf Course in Florida while playing golf with American Airlines Executives. Or the time when a cat decided to throw up all over a client's food tray on a fancy flight. Larry also used his connections as a travel agent to rescue two thousand Grumman employees from Iran when war broke out in 1979. He received a $250,000 grant from Hillary Clinton for the Long Island Philharmonic by just asking. Larry's first granddaughter was born as he boarded a flight home from St. Louis. Whatever the circumstance, Larry has enjoyed the ride, and you will, too.

Larry Austin ran a successful travel business for sixty years, and travel of any kind tends to go hand in hand with adventure. In his true to life memoir, Austin relives some of the more colorful events of his career. Lucky for him, he had his wife, Eileen, at his side, to keep him just this side of sanity. There was the time a truck driver, on his way to deliver luggage to important clients, ended up getting drunk at lunch and arrested in Arizona. Or the time Larry watched a man get beat up at the Breakers Golf Course in Florida while playing golf with American Airlines Executives. Or the time when a cat decided to throw up all over a client's food tray on a fancy flight. Larry also used his connections as a travel agent to rescue two thousand Grumman employees from Iran when war broke out in 1979. He received a $250,000 grant from Hillary Clinton for the Long Island Philharmonic by just asking. Larry's first granddaughter was born as he boarded a flight home from St. Louis. Whatever the circumstance, Larry has enjoyed the ride, and you will, too.

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