$ 18 Kaytee Supreme Daily Blend Parrot Food - Parrot Bird Food & Bird SeedParrots enjoy a varied diet that includes seeds, grains and fruits. Kaytee Supreme Daily Blend Parrot Food helps recreate a natural and healthy diet for your favorite feathered friend. This parrot bird food formula is filled with all the nutrition your parrot needs to thrive. Kaytee Supreme Daily Blend Parrot Food is bursting with wholesome seeds and grains. Some of the primary ingredients in this formula include sunflowers, corn, wheat and whole peanuts. The seeds and grains in this bird seed formula provide your precious parrot with lots of needed protein, fiber and oils. Both protein and fiber give your parrot plenty of energy for play and flight. Seed oils also support the healthy functioning of many organs and internal systems. Kaytee Supreme Daily Blend Parrot Food is a completely blended bird seed. Your parrot will enjoy picking at and crunching through all of the various seeds, kernels, nuts and pieces of dried fruit. This bird seed is also fortified with plenty of vitamins and minerals for an added health boost. The vitamin supplements in this parrot bird food include vitamins A, B12 and E.Your pet will find lots of different flavors and shapes in this parrot bird food, but no artificial preservatives, flavors or colors. This simple yet healthy diet is made specifically for the nutritional needs of parrots. Add this formula to your parrot's food bowl, and watch your colorful friend grow strong and healthy. This formula has everything your parrot needs. This fortified daily diet is made for all medium and large hookbill parrots. Follow the portion recommendations to maintain your pet's ideal weight.

Kaytee Supreme Daily Blend Parrot Food - Parrot Bird Food & Bird SeedParrots enjoy a varied diet that includes seeds, grains and fruits. Kaytee Supreme Daily Blend Parrot Food helps recreate a natural and healthy diet for your favorite feathered friend. This parrot bird food formula is filled with all the nutrition your parrot needs to thrive. Kaytee Supreme Daily Blend Parrot Food is bursting with wholesome seeds and grains. Some of the primary ingredients in this formula include sunflowers, corn, wheat and whole peanuts. The seeds and grains in this bird seed formula provide your precious parrot with lots of needed protein, fiber and oils. Both protein and fiber give your parrot plenty of energy for play and flight. Seed oils also support the healthy functioning of many organs and internal systems. Kaytee Supreme Daily Blend Parrot Food is a completely blended bird seed. Your parrot will enjoy picking at and crunching through all of the various seeds, kernels, nuts and pieces of dried fruit. This bird seed is also fortified with plenty of vitamins and minerals for an added health boost. The vitamin supplements in this parrot bird food include vitamins A, B12 and E.Your pet will find lots of different flavors and shapes in this parrot bird food, but no artificial preservatives, flavors or colors. This simple yet healthy diet is made specifically for the nutritional needs of parrots. Add this formula to your parrot's food bowl, and watch your colorful friend grow strong and healthy. This formula has everything your parrot needs. This fortified daily diet is made for all medium and large hookbill parrots. Follow the portion recommendations to maintain your pet's ideal weight.

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