What you need to know for riding local train in Buenos Aires.

The cheapest, easiest way to get around in Buenos Aires is the subway, or subte in Spanish. The underground system is run by Metrovias. It is the oldest subway in all the Spanish speaking world. You might even see an old wooden car running. The subway here has five lines: A, B, C, D, and E. Line D is a great line for visitors.

The subway starts here in Plaza de Mayo, and carries you to most destinations, one including Teatro Colon, here. So now that you have reached your subway stop, go into the counter, purchase your ticket. In return, receive a card like this with a magnetic strip. Make sure you are on the right side of the platform, and there comes our train.

If you take a look around you, you will notice that the entire train is made of wood. It is like you have gone into a time machine. Well, so here we are. That was pretty easy, and we have avoided all the traffic up above. If you choose to use taxis, the prices are relatively cheaper when compared to other cities. I am Kristina Renee, showing you Buenos Aires.

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