MISSING MALAYSIA FLIGHT MH370 - CNN Tried To Rent An Actual Boeing 777 Airplane for its Coverage

Thanks for the concern, but CNN's Martin Savidge says he's not looking to escape from the Canadian flight simulator where he has spent much of the past two weeks testing theories on what happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370.

Savidge and his "co-pilot," Mitchell Casado, are the most visible symbols of CNN's blanket coverage of the story of the missing airplane. They have logged so much airtime reporting from the fake cockpit that the hashtag #freemartinsavidge appears on Twitter.

"I hope he is getting up to stretch his legs," one person tweeted. Another bored viewer is obsessed with flight instructor Casado's fashion sense, posting several pictures of him in different plaid shirts.

Despite spending a series of 12- to 18-hour days in the cockpit, the Atlanta-based Savidge said he's still excited about his open-ended assignment. "In a horrible tragedy, I'm at least blessed with a good place to report from, to try and bring some clarity," he said.

CNN initially sought to rent a real 777 airplane for its coverage, but found it impossible. Individual airlines were also reluctant to make their simulators available. So CNN arranged time with the company uFly, from Mississauga, Ontario, near the Toronto airport, which has a simulator that is the same model of the plane lost in Asia.

Savidge, who had been vacationing in Australia when the plane went missing on March 8, was sent to Canada for one day on March 14 and returned home for the weekend. The response to his reports was so positive, CNN sent him back on March 17, and he's been there since. Other media organizations have sought to use the simulator but CNN blocks them by keeping it booked (the company won't say how much this is costing).

Instead of creating graphics, Savidge said it's valuable to show what instruments like the transponder that are talked about in news reports actually look like and where they are located in relation to a pilot.

Mostly, they use the machine to simulate what might happen under certain scenarios. This week, he asked Casado off-air to show what might happen to a 777 if it ran out of fuel. It proved horrific: lights flashed, alarms sounded, the nose pointed skyward while gravity pulled the plane down. It fell backward toward the ocean.

"Even though it's simulated, it's quite awful to see ... we made a pact that we would never, ever show something on the air like that," Savidge said.

As reported in the Hollywood Reporter, a movie about a plane that crashed on its way to China was put on hold from its' production out of sensitivity for the friends and families of the victims of flight MH370. The movie is a sequel to horror flick Bait 3D which was a big hit in China. It is about a jet that crashes into a remote region in the ocean where the survivors have to fight off killer sharks. "malaysia airlines" coverage missing "missing flight mh370" cnn news media airplane malaysia investigation "soap opera" "missing person" plane "boeing 777" "flight mh370" "conspiracy theory" "black hole" lost debris ocean 2014 jet china chinese zombie theory "bermuda triangle" rent rental "private jet" "flight sim" "flight simulator" booked booking truth agenda anger maldives island "maldives island" airport travel holiday vacation u.s. "united states" usa america asia "south east asia" "agenda nwo" truther truth wake up new world order illuminati rothschilds bilderberg 2014 denmark copenhagen marriot hotel alex jones infowars rt russia today coast to coast am glenn beck gerald celente david icke

Exclusive investigation: The 239 people on board Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 may still be alive. This stunning realization is now supported by considerable emerging evidence detailed in this article. At the same time, the "vanished" Boeing 777 may also be in a hanger in Iran right now, being retrofitted with nuclear weapons and turned into a suicide bomb to be deployed over a major city in the Middle East. This possibility is discussed in detail, below, with supporting evidence.

ABSTRACT: It has now become fairly evident that the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing is not accidental. In fact, there is a strong possibility that the flight was commandeered to the US military base at Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean.

The 'unprecedented mystery' behind the disappearance of Malaysian Airlines flight MH 370 deepened on Monday when relatives claimed they were able to call the cellphones of their missing loved ones.

According to the Washington Post, family of some of the 239 people on board the vanished Boeing 777 said that they were getting ring tones and could see them active online through a Chinese social networking service called QQ

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